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Wednesday 13 July 2016
As a little girl I was forever rearranging and tidying my room (I know that's a little bit strange!) However, I loved seeing how my things in different places or laid out differently would completely change my room. Since getting my own place and having the opportunity to start with a blank canvas, I have really indulged my creative side. Still being a student, of course, this has been done on a budget and I hope that sharing the following tips with you will help you achieve the nest of your dreams!

1. Make an inspirational mood board & plan for each room

You don't need to be a pro at this, social media platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram are great for gathering your ideas. Instagram has plenty of beautifully organised images and colour schemes. Pinterest enables you to collect your ideas on virtual pin boards. Swotting up for a few minutes on the colour wheel will also give you a little insight on which colours match/clash. 

Or you can keep it old school and grab a few magazines such as Good Housekeeping or Ideal Home (both of which have Pinterest and Instagram accounts). Magazines are great if you are a tactile person, you can cut up pictures you like. Also the hard work of pairing colours and prints is done for you, or often organised in a list of tips. I like to theme each room slightly differently, some people like to keep the style continued throughout the house, so organising your ideas will help you to visualise your intended end result. 

2. Use high quality brands as inspiration 

In order to create a room that looks expensive on a budget, it's important to seek inspiration from brands that do this well. My personal favourites are Farrow and Ball, Annie Sloan, Laura Ashley. You can also find plenty of inspiration at your local hardware store i.e B&Q if you prefer something a little more accessible to the masses. Grab a few colour charts and samples. Each individual colour has a code, so you can also use paint producers such as Valspar to mix your paint much cheaper than the designer brands. I have done this with all my rooms and it's such a cost effective way of creating a high end look. Definitely my top tip. 

3. Check out the seasonal sales!

I mostly buy my wallpaper from Laura Ashley, they produce classic and modern prints but some can be fairly expensive when wallpapering a whole room. One way round this is to only paper a feature wall. The other is to ask the store assistants when the next launch of sale is, I have got my wallpaper at more than to 50% off, an absolute bargain when you are buying in bulk. Just make sure you buy the same batch number of each roll! (Example pictured below).

4. Up-cycle old furniture and old accessories

Most of my furniture is either recycled or purchased from Gumtree. This is such a cost-effective way of getting a beautiful on-trend piece. You can transform an item of furniture with just one lick of paint. There are plenty of different finishing techniques you can use after painting too. Sanding after the paint has dried, using a crackle glaze or wax finish can all transform items. Make sure you prep the furniture well beforehand and apply coats of paint thinly, not forgetting a finish. You can find tutorials on YouTube showing you how to do this. 

5. Shop around for designer-inspired products

Don't underestimate eBay, a well-executed search will allow you to locate items in your local area. Another way is to use HomeSense or TKMaxx who always have designer products at reduced prices. You can really grab great pieces, either classic or contemporary, from these stores. 

Laura Ashley Camomile Hydrangea Wallpaper £20 reduced from £40, buy it here
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